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LOVEFFECTIVE was founded with the goal  of  providing effective relationship tools. I believe the  Information I share and the experiences I provide, enhance well-being, save time and bring people to work together more effectively in all spheres of life.

In the aftermath of the technological revolution,  people have less time to show they’re love and less of an attention span for relationships. Lives have changed beyond imagination and bridging between work, home technology and the people we love, requires a whole new set of skills and awareness. Probably, in one or two decades, the information I provide will be taught in all educational settings, but for now, individuals depend on whatever skills they’ve attained through trial and error and how benevolent they’re partners and workplace are with them.


Through acquired skills and understanding of the logic of emotions, everyone does better. Both at work and at home and in the interface between both. This is a time of integration of human scientific knowledge into day-to day life. Over  the past decade we are receiving more than a glimpse into how our brains work and react in relationships and it’s time to put that knowledge into practice.


Loveffective offers a series of lectures (English ones are not yet available for purchasing and downloading online- they are in the making), zoom online lectures, webinars, seminars and private consultations. 

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